Thursday, October 9, 2008

That's Using your Head.....

School has started and everyone is out shopping for school supplies. This women is displaying some back-packs while minding her school-book store. All the books are soft-bound and most often, photo-copied from an original.

These two girls are taking a break from carrying water from the public well to their home. You can tell how/where they carry the water by looking at their hair. (A five gallon bucket filled with water weighs approximately 40 pounds!) Transporting water is a huge task for most families. Many children can not go to school because their family can not afford it. In fact, many children do not go to school because their family needs their help to support the family.
These two boys are on their way home after shopping in-town for dinner. The boy on the right has an umbilical hernia - quite common , not painful and not caused by hunger - which happens at birth and often is left un-treated.

These guys are heading home from school. I have never worked in a school division where uniforms were required, but I can certainly understand why it is required in Haiti and ----- the kids look great! I asked these guys if they wanted their picture taken. They said yes, then proceeded to play pica boo! I like the kids captured in the rear-view mirror.

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