Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Washed out....
Haitians depend on highway transportation. After Hurricane Ike, many parts of the country were separated from each other. Port-au-Prince is the hub, in the center of all routes. Massif de la Hotte (southwestern department) has been cut off from the capital when the bridge washed out just south of Miragoa`ne.
This past weekend, I was able to vist Les Cayes and Port Salut. However, it meant crossing this river each time in a small boat. My photo is from our boat looking south at the folks who want travel north. Taptaps, buses, and trucks line up on both sides of the crossing - dropping off or picking up passengers and their goods. The boats have no motors - they are poled, paddled, pushed, and pulled across. Porters work at the water's edge, fiercely bidding against each for the business of carrying customers and freight from dry land to a boat. Somehow, I had the privilege/coincidence of carrying me both on Friday, headed south-bound, and on Monday, going north to Port-au-Prince. I knew from the first time, this man would have no problem carrying me and backpack!
Yes, everything that is going to be sold must be carried. I saw: dozens of chickens and goats headed for market; entire boats filled with 100+ sacks of charcoal, bags of fruit, rice, sugar, and beans; large trays of freshly baked bread; dozens upon dozens of 5 gallon containers filled with gasoline or diesel; and people - hundreds of people! This past Monday, I watcher a cow-herd pull/drag his herd across the river. Things were going smoothly, until the largest bull broke away, swam to the closest hill side, and headed uphill at a full trot.
Every day in Haiti gives greater truth to the familiar maxim - Life is what happens between the plans!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
To Photo or not To Photo

These two children were quite surprised when I appeared walking past their house. "Blan, blan" they shrieked with delight. They were amazed by my digital camera. For that matter, me too!
Sunday Dinner
Monday, September 22, 2008
I Heard it on a Taptap
Public transportation – Marche taptap is the primary means of travel for most Haitian. Buses, flat-bed trucks, and pickups constantly circulate the main arteries of every city; others go in an out from city to town and back again. Shout out your destination in order to confirm the route, and then try to find a place to sit or to stand or at least, something to hold on to.
Read the stickers left over from Wicanoma School District – 48 PASSENGER LIMIT (I stopped counting at 100, only because I couldn’t see the front of the bus), DARE (I have seen no signs of substance abuse, public drinking and cigarette smoking is rare – perhaps there are a few benefits to abject poverty!)
Taptaps are always crowded; drivers do not leave until their vehicle is full and then stop along the ways cramming in more passengers who wave them down along the way. Expect your senses to working at a level equivalent to standing room only – touch, sound, smell, sight, and taste can all get an intense workout during every ride. Shoppers and merchants will be traveling with 50 lb. sacks of rice, cardboard trays stacked with eggs, plastic basins piled high with mangoes, avocadoes, or citrus; bag of charcoal; live chickens or ducks tethered with twine (fortunately goats banned to the roof); and of course many large plastic bags filled to the brim and carefully sealed to hide its contents from prying eyes.
All the machines are old, beat-up, and continually repaired. One school bus, leaned far to the left, at first I feared we were so top heavy that we would end up in the ditch; each time we hit a bump you could feel the frame hit the axle. Another bus, first stop for a flat tire; it was fixed on the spot, taking only 30 minutes. One kilometer later the front suspension collapsed, metal parts scattered on the ground. As we got out of the bus, a second bus pulled up and we all jumped in. The first driver lost all his fare paying passengers, but we were on our way again!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday, Monday
Cap-Haitien has been cut-off from the south, all the bridges to Port-au-Prince, Gonaive, and Hinche were washed out by Ike. Fortunate for the north, there are ports and supplies come in.
Right now there is food, but no diesel or gasoline. All the gas stations are closed and the black-market price for gasoline is over $12.50 American/gallon or $80.00 Haitien/gallon. Consider the impact in a nation where the average income is under $400 American/year - about $3,000 Haitian/year. Hustlers sell "fuel" by the gallon alongside the road, waving a tea colored liquid while shouting the latest price at each passerby. Most often the fuel has been watered down, then colored, causing ruin to many engines. Even the mayor of Cap-Haitien lost his motor to bad gas!
On Sunday, the food boats arrived in the northern ports. It was a great feeling to see truck-after-truck, pilled high with 50lb bags or rice. They were lined up along the roads ready to head off for distribution in the town markets.
Yet, Gonaive sits waiting, the water slowly receding. 300,000 growing more hungry. We hear that there is food in there, in the warehouses, but no one distributes it. Some say "it is the water," others that "it is too dangerous," and most often I hear "it is the politics, always the politics."
All schools have been ordered not to open until Monday, 10/6, put off from 9/8. At first the delay was due to the "cyclone," now I suspect that it is the "finances." In either case, it is one more month with all the students waiting and precious little to do - there is simply no work.
As an educator, I know that this is month missed out which will not be made up.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My Brothers Table

The port city of Gonaives is forty miles north of Port-au-Prince. A natural harbor, built on a wide river delta, it has had sections of the town that are still flooded since 2002. This summer, Gonaives got deluged four times. All the roads leading to the city are closed by washed-out bridges, so no food or water can be trucked in. Here is a city that truly needs the world to step forward with My Brothers Table.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Getting ready -
What have the hurricanes wrought? Will the boys return to their schools in Cap-Haitien, even though there has been so much turmoil in the program and their lives? Can I make a difference?
Much to do with only four days left until leaving. How do you get ready for what you don't really understand?